Just be.

Just be.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Contemplation and Death on a Motorcycle

While driving through the desert of far West Texas with my dear wife and baby girl a phone call tells me about a death of a second cousin in Oklahoma. "Ron." His mother Barbara must be nearly crushed by grief and in disbelief that the world can keep spinning. "Don't they know that my dear Ronnie is gone?"  Why him? Why God?

As outsiders of this bone crushing juggernaut of pain we merely say "Why wasn't he wearing a helmet on his motorcycle?" So sad then we wonder,"what is for lunch?"

Verum est ens, (being is truth) therefore my cousin was on this earth and now he must rest in the Truth of all eternity. Meditating on our own death is wise as we then can appreciate each breath, each laugh from a child and attempt to love life and the world.

PS If your ride a motorcycle or scooter, a helmet may be a really good idea.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Dear Dave..............

How good it is to meet you!

Indeed, life is marked by great fragility. We lost our son, 32, to heavy drugs and subsequent severe diabetes in Nov 2010. I trusted in God, sought many prayers for his healing, and God took pity of him. He received the perfect healing of a contrite and humble death... This is what I call Going "home"and it is our destiny if we want it. However by that I wish to promote living in not one second less nor one second more than is in God's perfect will for each one of us! Peace and joy in Christ Jesus!

I think yuor blog is wonderful and I know it will be of great encouragement and inspiration, a catalyst to many.
Carpe diem! Be assured of my humble prayers.

Andrea Knepp